This guest post is courtesy of Quora contributor, Geoffrey Walton, Single father of two amazing sons, with his answer to the question: How did you quit smoking? By accident. I was driving to work, smoking my second or third cigarette of the day, when a PSA for the “Great American Smoke-Out” came onto the radio. […]
Category Archives: Reasons to Quit
Warren Sentes on realistic expectations for quitting smoking
The best part is that I don’t feel like someone who is quitting smoking, I feel like a non-smoker. This guest post is courtesy of Quora contributor, Warren Sentes, Recovering after 15 years, with his answer to the question: How can addicted people stop smoking? People who don’t smoke cannot understand the strength of this […]
Speaking from his experience, Viktor Toth on quitting tobacco
This guest blog is courtesy of Quora contributor Viktor Toth, IT pro, part-time physicist, on his answer to: Is there anyone here who has quit tobacco completely after consuming it for 8 years? I smoked my first cigarette when I was what, maybe 11. I became a smoker at the tender age of 16 (I […]
You are what you see!
We’ve all heard the old adage that ‘you are what you eat,’ but did you know that this applies to what you see as well? Recent research examined TV ratings from 1999 through 2007 and found that the more anti-smoking and anti-tobacco commercials you watch, the more likely you are to try to quit smoking.[1] […]
Three Reasons to Quit Smoking Now
You may have thought about quitting in the past – you may have even tried to kick the habit already. Or, maybe you think about quitting sometime in the future, when the time is ‘right.’ Here are three reasons why the time is Now: Quitting now increases the health benefits that you gain from being […]